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Homemade Mayonnaise


My husbands favorite condiment is mayonnaise.  He puts it on everything ….  sandwiches, hamburgers, French fries, artichokes …… you get the idea.  I had never really used mayo much until we met.  Now, I must admit, it is also one of my favorite condiments as well.  There are just so many ways to kick it up a notch.

I always thought that making mayonnaise was difficult and time consuming so it’s something I’ve never tried to do.  Was I ever wrong!  I do believe making homemade mayonnaise is one of the easiest things I’ve ever made.  It only takes a few minutes in the food processor and you can spice it up or season it up any way you like.

Here’s the basic recipe:
2 egg yolks
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 Tbs fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil (canola oil or vegetable oil will work as well)
Salt and Pepper

Put the egg yolks, lemon juice, Dijon, salt and pepper in the food processor and turn it on. Once all ingredients are well combined drizzle in a few drops of oil and continue to process for a few seconds then drizzle in a few more drops. Continue drizzling in and letting it combine until you’ve added about 1/4 cup of oil. Now you can slowly stream in the oil, let process for a few seconds, then stream in more oil. Continue in this manner until all oil has been incorporated and you have the beautiful white, silky yum known as mayonnaise.

If you want a bit of a kick try adding a bit of chipotle pepper and adobo sauce (my husbands favorite) or a bit of curry powder and crushed cashews (my favorite for wraps)

This recipe is so easy and yummy I may never buy store bought again.